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Inscrit le: 30 Sep 2011
Messages: 2
Localisation: Montreal

MessagePosté le: 30/09/2011 11:17:43    Sujet du message: United Kingdom permis de conduire Répondre en citant


Je m'excuse, je ne parle pas très bien francais.

Je suis Écossais. J'ai le permis de conduire britannique pour la moto.

Je suis "temporary resident": http://www.saaq.gouv.qc.ca/permis/echange/residents_temporaires.php

Je peux légalement conduire une moto ici. Est-ce que je peux acheter et assurer une moto avec mon permis de conduire au Québec ?

Je ne veux pas attendre 1 an le permis de conduire du Québec pour la moto.

Merci beaucoup,
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Inscrit le: 18 Nov 2004
Messages: 728
Localisation: Pierrefonds

MessagePosté le: 30/09/2011 17:47:25    Sujet du message: United Kingdom permis de conduire Répondre en citant

Hello Chris,
how long are planning on staying in Quebec? If you plan on staying longer than six months, you will either have to have an international driver's licence, or get a Quebec licence. There does not seem to be a requirement to have a Quebec licence to purchase a vehicle locally, but I would call the SAAQ offices to make sure, don't worry, you will be able to get an English speaking person on the line, or if you email them, you'll have the benefit of being able to print their reply and carry a hard copy with you in case you get pulled over and they start asking questions...

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Inscrit le: 30 Sep 2011
Messages: 2
Localisation: Montreal

MessagePosté le: 30/09/2011 19:16:01    Sujet du message: United Kingdom permis de conduire Répondre en citant

Hi Marc, thanks for the reply.

I am planning on staying for a while. I already have an application for permanent residency in. Although I only moved to Quebec a month ago I was in Toronto for 2 years before coming here. In Toronto I exchanged my UK license for an Ontario license (which also does not recognise the UK motorcycle endorsement). I'm currently unsure if I should exchange my Ontario License for a Quebec License, or if I should swap my Ontario license back to a UK license. I think swapping back to a UK license is the best thing to do as then I have the motorcycle license which I can use up until 6 months after becoming a permanent resident. Getting an international driving license is no problem, it costs about 8 pounds and is valid for 1 year.

So long as I can buy an insure a bike in Quebec with the UK+International license then I think that will be ok. As I am thinking about staying in Quebec longer I also have to think about what I will do 6 months after my permanent residency is granted. So far as I understand it getting a Quebec motorcycle license is ridiculously long and expensive. If I start that process 6 months before I get my permanent residency then I should be ok to ride at the point my UK+International license becomes invalid.

Am I correct to think that even as a rider with years of experience abroad there are no shortcuts to getting a motorcycle license? If I could just sit the tests I would be fine with that but having to wait 1 month before the first test, then 11 months before the second test seems insane to me. My primary use of my bike in the UK was commuting, so for 11 months I wouldn't be able to use the bike to get to work unless I had someone escort me there every day if I did not have my UK license.
If there is any way I can just sit the tests without having to have the pre-requisite hours + waiting period I would be interested in that.

Thanks and apologies for my lack of French. I started evening classes last week so maybe I will be speaking better soon.
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Inscrit le: 18 Nov 2004
Messages: 728
Localisation: Pierrefonds

MessagePosté le: 01/10/2011 07:34:46    Sujet du message: United Kingdom permis de conduire Répondre en citant

Hello Chris,
your best resource for such subtleties will definitely be SAAQ, what I have read so far does not mention anything about transforming an international licence into a Quebec licence, but my guess is they will not recognize your experience, but then again I may be wrong, that has happened a few times before...

Let us know once you have contacted them and have explained your specific situation.

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