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E-Cigarette Sales Booming Locally

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MessagePosté le: 09/03/2011 21:49:08    Sujet du message: E-Cigarette Sales Booming Locally Répondre en citant

E-Cigarette Sales Booming Locally
Electronic Cigarettes (E-Cigs) have significantly grown in popularity over the past year or so, and local stores are struggling to keep them in stock.
E-Cigs are battery-operated inhalers advertised as a better alternative to smoking because there's no smoke. Instead, the nicotine is delivered through water vapor.
Smoker Friendly in Grand Junction sells between 15 and 20 E-Cigs per month. And, at $70 each, it has become pretty good business.
"The majority of people are buying them because it's the freedom to smoke wherever they want," James Ward with Smoker Friendly said. "In restaurants, in airplanes, wherever they want to smoke, they can without being told that you can't smoke."
Even though the E-Cigs contain nicotine, many people looking to quit are buying them, as well. Ward says tests have not shown whether they help or not.
But, at the state level, Colorado lawmakers see them as a potential gateway into smoking for minors. Right now, E-Cigs can be bought by anyone. State leaders are looking at rules similar to tobacco laws that would make it illegal for anyone under 18 to buy them.
Ward says that is the way it should be. "Since these do contain nicotine and that is the main reason why people smoke, I don't think minors should be able to buy them."Use
e liquid to instead of the tobacco cigarette so that you can keep your health.
At Smoker Friendly, they don't sell to minors. Every customer has to be 18 to even enter the store.
A bill banning minors from buying E-Cigs passed the State House earlier this month. The measure now awaits State Senate action before heading to the governor.
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In the midst of all the hype about the dangers of smoking smokers who can’t let go of the nicotine fix but would like to evade the tobacco effects have found a great substitute in
electronic cigarette. However, just as these so-called ‘e-cigs’ are gradually taking a base in the market, criticisms and warnings are once again up. Many of these are founded on the premise that any alternative to a bad habit is always suspect. Nevertheless, cigarette smokers could be assured that they do not have to worry much over this new and safer remedy to their unhealthy habit. Besides all these facts though, the device can still have its share of disadvantages.can filler seamer is your good helper.
The first and foremost negative effects are on the profits of tobacco cigarette manufacturers more than on its users’ health. The health campaign primarily launched to educate smokers of the dangers of tobacco has already hurt their revenues.
beer filling machine allow you to product more efficiently. With the introduction of electronic cigarettes, more people would certainly turn their back on the dangerous tobacco stick. This is definitely not good for the manufacturers. Thus, it’s virtually normal to expect that they would insist on the claim that even the best electronic cigarettes may still be dangerous to health. Since they find it hard to beat them in the issues regarding safety, they could at least have a level playing field that way.mono-block rinser filler capper keep your machine clean so that you can use them more convient.
Some critics also claim that the sight and the sensation that the e-cig brings about only motivates people to try using the real stick. This doesn’t sound plausible since the ad campaigns on the dangers of tobacco to health have been intense enough to curb any thought of non-smokers to try it.
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After all, those who are most likely to use the e-cigs are those who are trying to quit smoking than those who would like to try smoking the real thing. Obviously, the best electronic cigarettes can’t effect a nicotine addiction. Instead these can help people to get over tobacco.
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Is there really something wrong in using the electronic cigarette? Even the FDA or the World Health Organization couldn’t claim this. Due to this it is quite normal for them to worry over its use. However, this doesn’t mean that they condemn it.
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