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viva italia !!!!!

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Inscrit le: 12 Nov 2004
Messages: 1 321
Localisation: Rosemere

MessagePosté le: 14/05/2009 06:24:21    Sujet du message: viva italia !!!!! Répondre en citant

On mets un Italien à la place du PDG de la SAAQ. Y'en a qui pense pas comme nous.

Source ACEM

Italian Government Incentives Help Increase Two-Wheeler Sales

April 24, 2009 - In February 2009, the Italian Government, in an effort to support the industry and resist a decline in consumption levels, implemented an incentive of 500 € for replacing any Euro 0 or Euro 1 motorbike with a new Euro 3 vehicle under 400cc.

In January of 2009, "powered two-wheeler" registrations had fallen by -38.8% in Italy when compared to the previous year. ANCMA, the Italian association representing motorcycle manufacturers, importers and the linked industry, reported a -38.6% in the scooter segment and -35.4% in the motorcycle sector while the moped was the most vulnerable category, losing 43.6%.

ANCMA welcomed the incentives as a valuable tool to accelerate the renewal of the circulating park with new low emitting and more fuel efficient vehicles.

On April 24, 2009, ACEM reported that the incentives policy triggered a +7.8% rise in March.

March brought a major reversal in trend for sales in Italy with 49,682 units (+7.8%) over the same month in 2008. In particular, registrations totaled 42,725 units, corresponding to an improvement of 14.6%.

A detailed analysis of the various segments, however, indicated that while scooters grew significantly, with 29,542 units (+35,5%), motorcycles continued to decline, albeit to a lesser extent compared to the first two months of the year, with 13,183 vehicles sold (-14.8%).

50cc units continued to suffer, in the absence of an incentive program, with 6,957 units
(-21.1%). In the first quarter of 2009, Italy is still about 14,000 registrations (-15.5%) and 8,000 mopeds (-34%) short.
Voici des ´´´´, des ````,des ^^^^, et des ¨¨¨¨ gratuits, mettez les où vous voulez.
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Inscrit le: 08 Juil 2007
Messages: 4 893
Localisation: Ste-Madeleine

MessagePosté le: 14/05/2009 06:38:00    Sujet du message: Re: viva italia !!!!! Répondre en citant

klingklang a écrit:
On mets un Italien à la place du PDG de la SAAQ. Y'en a qui pense pas comme nous.

Avec des chiffres de ventes mensuels de 40,000 unités et plus, ça a tout un impact. Smile
Pourquoi 4 roues alors qu'on peut aller plus loin sur 2 ?
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