Forum sur les motos anglaises classiques. Pas de Petites Annonces SVP


Le Message
Auteur : Bertrand (
Sujet : Courrier anglais pour Patrick Lena
Date : 22/10/2006 17:08:13

Hello Patrick
We have received the bielle? con rod.
I do understand the difficulty. I only know very little French Language.
This con rod has been working in very difficult conditions to have this damage.
I think perhaps the space for the roller bearings has been too small, so they were held too tightly.
We much prefer to have the crank and fit inside bearing ring (crankpin bush) and measure the size to be sure all pieces will fit nicely.
It will be necessary that Jean will take off the existing crankpin bush so he can fit a new bush.
This is difficult to do if the crankshaft is in the engine case.
If it is necessary to take out the crankshaft, please read the instructions on our website at
If Jean needs other information, then maybe you can find answers on our website at
If it is necessary to remove crank, it would be much better if we had crank and we could fit bearings to be sure everything is OK.
If this is not possible, then we must make inside diameter of inner bearing ring to a size that will be suitable for a crankshaft without wear.
Unfortunately, sometimes the crankpin bush will rotate, revolve, spin on the crankshaft and this will cause the fixing diameter (crankpin) to be worn to a smaller size.
If we send a new crankpin bush that is original size, then if it is fitted to a worn crankpin, it will be loose.
It is not our wish that we should wish more work and more money.
After more than 50 years use, the sizes of the engine pieces are not always correct as they were originally made.
To be sure of success, we make replacement pieces to be suitable to engine condition that we find.
We wish only that the engine of Jean should be good.
Your choices
1) Send also crankshaft. This is the very best solution to be sure of perfect result.
2) Remove damaged crankpin bush with crank still in engine.
You must use a sharp chisel and move only a little then turn the crank and move a little the opposite side.
Is it difficult to remove the bush / is the original crankpin bush fixed well on the crankpin?
Look very carefully to be sure that the old crankpin bush has not been loose / rotating on the crankpin
If you have access to measuring micrometer, measure diameter of crankpin

Send to us
A) Crankshaft with crankpin bush still fitted
or, if Jean pefers to leave crank in case
B) Damaged crankpin bush, so we can measure this

also if possible for security
Measurement of crankpin diameter
Photograph of crankpin to show condition

Cost of new con rod is £150
Cost of new crankpin bush (inner ring) is £46
Set of 12 bearing rollers is £15
Cost of postage (estimate) £8.00

Total cost UK pounds £219

Payment by bank transfer or Paypal
Delivery time 4 weeks from date or firm order

I hope this is the information you wish to have
Very Kind Regards
Roger Moss
154 Visualisations

La discussion

    Courrier anglais pour Patrick Lena, de Bertrand [22/10/2006 17:08:13] < 
        Ma traduction à moi, de Bertrand [22/10/2006 17:13:04]

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