Forum sur les motos anglaises classiques. Pas de Petites Annonces SVP


Le Message
Auteur : Bertrand (
Sujet : Brit Iron Rebels
Date : 25/08/2005 19:39:54

Oh ben di-don!
Ca a l'air compliqué d'aller sur ton forum!

J'ai reçu tout un sermon...

Si je comprend, la réinsertion, ça commence par la lecture des évangiles?

Les rebels, ça serait pas plustot les témoins de Gévéor ???

Very cool. There's a nice French contingent growing steadily. Read the information below and let me know what you think.

Welcome to The Brit Iron Rebels!
If you are reading this, it is because you were invited by a member of the Brit Iron Rebels.

Concept of the BIR:
Our goal is to create a community of enthusiasts who share in the love of the Rocker/Hooligan and British motorcycle culture and style of the 50's and 60's. The BIR is not an outlaw motorcycle club, 1% club, or a cult (ok, maybe a cult). So, if you are looking for any of those ideals, you've come to the wrong place!

The BIR does not claim any territory. The BIR one piece patch with the word "Worldwide" simply represents that we are a group of enthusiasts the world over; it's is not a claim of territory. The BIR are citizens of the motorcycling world. We are not a gang. The BIR is not an exclusive club. If you also ride a Honda, feel free to join a Honda club as well.

How the BIR is Run:
The BIR is a club that was borne on the internet. It is not the typical way that traditional clubs are formed or operated. Most clubs begin local and, many times, will eventually initiate a forum or website. We have begun worldwide, first on the internet and through contact with other enthusiasts and then have formed smaller, more local collections of enthusiasts (we like to call them clans). However, the overall club is still governed by the same rules and concepts. Worldwide information is passed along on the BIR forum and website. We consider this concept to be an ongoing experiment; however, the camaraderie is obviously a proven ingredient. There have been growing pains along the way and there is sure to be more for some time. We all do our best!

How you Become a Member:
1. Criteria - you must own a classic or neo classic British motorcycle. No cruiser bikes. No modern sport bikes.*
2. You must find a member in good standing in your area to be your sponsor. Your sponsor is responsible for accessing your potential membership. During a period of time, it is imperative to actually meet your sponsor in person. Refer to your sponsor as Jesus, for your sponsor must intercede for your sins! (ok, I'm kidding on the last part!)
3. You must participate on The BIR forum, so other members can get to know you. After a period of time, you're membership qualifications will be voted on by the membership at large. The idea of a sponsor is to have someone who is behind you to affirm your character and speak on your behalf as a candidate.
Note: If you live in an area where no other members reside, it is possible for you to start your own clan of The BIR. Criteria is 3 or more qualified riders looking to form. Rules for starting a BIR clan are available by request. If neither option is available to you, you can become a charter member and participate in the forum. If you eventually make a BIR rally or ride, you can become eligible for a full active, card carrying membership.

Forum Respect:
This club is not open to the public. You are solely invited here by a member or are granted access through your request. We encourage you to post often on many subjects and we hope that your opinion is carried with you. Feel free to express yourself and feel free to use the language that you normally use. This is how we all get to know each other. But, remember, it is a private forum and we are not governed by anyone but ourselves. In other words, it's our world here. Like it or stay out!

A further word of warning: please do not embarrass yourself or the member that invited you here by being disrespectful or disruptive in your posts. If you do, you will be asked to leave. You might say "Well, I was just stating my opinion!" Your opinion is greatly appreciated; however, if your opinion is aimed as a personal attack on a member or simply thrown in order to cause a problem, expect the other members of this club to jump you just like they would if you were mouthing off at our club house - because it IS our club house! If this happens, you will generally be asked to leave. There are no lawyers here to protect your rights to be in this club. It is private and you get along with the other members or you are locked out. Very simple!

Things You Should Do Right Away:
1. Introduce yourself in the (ready for this?) "Introduce Yourself" folder! Tell us who you are, how/where you heard about us, who invited you, what you ride, and so forth.
2. Update your profile. Your profile can be accessed by clicking on your username once you're in the forum. Include things about you so folks know a little about you. We all wish we could tailer the profile questions to better suit our club, but we have to work with what Delphi has given us. Either in your profile or in your signature, I suggest that you include what you ride . Just like some people get to know each other at a dog park by their dogs, we sometimes get to know you by your bike. "Yeah, you know Larry, the guy with the '64 BSA!" That type of thing. Include where you are from (e.g., city, state, country, etc.). This helps people hook up with you. Try to be as visible as you can. Not so you can be judged, but so people understand who you are. In many cases, all we have is your words and profile to understand who you are as a person.

Philosophy of the Bike Rules:
The BIR is a testament to the 50's and 60's Rocker/Hooligan motorcycle lifestyle and how that is reflected today in this culture. It is not exactly like the scene in the 50's and 60's. It is a nod to the past, with our club's "interpretation" of it today. It is it's own scene and it's own culture. It is also ever evolving.

Some folks believe that the modern sport bike craze is a natural progression of the ideals of the Rockers of the 50's and 60's. They may very well be. Ask an old Rocker for yourself. I have asked several and the responses are varied among them.

Many will argue that the Rockers of the 50's and 60's would have merged toward modern sport bikes had they had the chance. Well, some of those Rockers are still riding motorcycles. Some of them stopped riding, some of them ride modern bikes, and some of them still ride and maintain old bikes only. Some of them are still active in clubs that reflect what they now ride. Obviously, many of them have passed away. Some may actually be among us in this forum and club! Overall, all the respect in the world is given to them, but we are our own thing these days.

* Types of Bikes in the BIR:
We are not an equal opportunity British bike club! This club represents a certain type of rider. Classic British and neo classic styled British bikes leaning toward the retro cafe style bikes, and also simply the classic lines of the British Rocker bikes of the 50's and 60's.

NO cruiser bikes, NO modern sport bikes, NO exceptions!

What about Choppers? Do you need to ask? Okay, a good Rockabilly Style Bobber is always nice.

The BIR is not an antique motorcycle enthusiast group. Some members are antique motorcycle enthusiasts, but The BIR is not in any way based on that criteria. There are other clubs for that.

To Sum it All Up:
The BIR should be a fun thing and a positive addition to your life. The BIR is not out to cram the gospel of the Hooligan bike culture down people's throats. These are simply the bike styles and lifestyles that we identify with. Enjoy the road!

The BIR Staff
64 Visualisations

La discussion

    Brit Iron Rebels, de TTBSMTFAN [24/08/2005 07:06:42]
        Brit Iron Rebels, de Bertrand [24/08/2005 09:36:37]
            Brit Iron Rebels, de claudius94 [24/08/2005 19:39:54]
                Brit Iron Rebels, de Fan [25/08/2005 10:10:54]
                Brit Iron Rebels, de ttbsmtfan [26/08/2005 21:29:40]
                    Brit Iron Rebels, de claudius94 [26/08/2005 22:46:25]
            Brit Iron Rebels, de Fan [25/08/2005 10:07:44]
                Brit Iron Rebels, de Bertrand [25/08/2005 19:39:54] < 
                    Brit Iron Rebels, de philippe [25/08/2005 21:01:37]
                        Brit Iron Rebels, de TTBSMTFAN [26/08/2005 16:08:51]
                            Brit Iron \"REBELLE\", de philippe [26/08/2005 19:33:41]
                                Re : Brit Iron \"REBELLE\", de ttbsmtfan [26/08/2005 20:54:24]
                                    Re : Brit Iron \"REBELLE\", de Jean-Luc [26/08/2005 21:24:39]
                                        Re : Brit Iron \"REBELLE\", de Bertrand [26/08/2005 22:09:09]
                                    Re : Brit Iron \"REBELLE\", de philippe [27/08/2005 00:17:49]
                    Brit Iron Rebels, de Fan [26/08/2005 12:43:42]
        Brit Iron Rebels, de clyde01 [25/08/2005 11:21:25]
        Brit Iron Rebels, de Francis [26/08/2005 16:36:58]
        Brit Iron Rebels, de philippe b [26/08/2005 22:26:11]
            Brit Iron Rebels, de philippe b [26/08/2005 22:27:41]
                Brit Iron Rebels, de Jean-Luc [26/08/2005 22:44:16]
                    Brit Iron Rebels, de Jean-Luc [26/08/2005 22:47:17]
                        Brit Iron Rebels, de Jean-Luc [26/08/2005 22:51:35]
                            Brit Iron Rebels, de philippe b [26/08/2005 22:59:21]
                        Brit Iron Rebels, de philippe b [26/08/2005 22:53:01]

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