Forum sur les motos anglaises classiques. Pas de Petites Annonces SVP


Le Message
Auteur : patrick (
Sujet : arnaque ?
Date : 27/10/2006 15:46:00

j' ai passé une annonce sur anciennes. net et j' ai reçu ça apres avoir envoyé une seule reponse par e-mail, ça me semble suspect ????

This is Kelvin from UK.I saw your advert that you want to sell the KAWASAKI and i am interested in buying it from you and i am ok with the conditions & pictures of it.Regarding the payment,a cheque will be sent to you by my associate in europ drawn from europ bank which you can cash in your bank.So now that i have your details for the payment,i will ask my associate to send you the cheque,the cheque that will be sent to you will be in amount of money that will cover the cost of the : KAWASAKI i as well as the shipping cost.So all you are to do is as soon as you get the cheque,you deduct your cost price from it of the KAWASAKI as soon as you have the money from your bank.

Regarding the Shipment,i will handle the shipment of it as soon as you have your money from the bank,i will instruct my shipper to come to your address and pick it up.
I hope this is clear with you.....I want you to confirm the address if its correct before the cheque will be sent out to you for the payment:-

Full name that will be on the cheque:-

Full Address where to get the cheque:-

Send me your phone number......

Await your reply to my mail...

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La discussion

    arnaque ?, de patrick [27/10/2006 15:46:00] < 
        Re : arnaque ?, de christophe [27/10/2006 16:43:36]
            Re : arnaque ?, de Francis G [27/10/2006 17:13:27]
                Re : arnaque ?, de Jean-Luc [27/10/2006 17:58:46]
                    Re : arnaque ?, de Bertrand [27/10/2006 18:18:40]
                        Re : arnaque ?, de Bertrand [27/10/2006 18:27:17]
                        Re : arnaque ?, de Jean-Luc [27/10/2006 18:36:26]
        Re : arnaque ?, de Bertrand [27/10/2006 18:22:56]
            Re : arnaque ?, de janou [27/10/2006 20:59:46]
        Re : arnaque ?, de PHILIPPE [27/10/2006 21:23:04]
            mon ami le beatles, de patrick [28/10/2006 07:32:24]
                Re : mon pote le beatnick, de PHILIPPE [28/10/2006 10:21:04]
                    Re : mon pote le beatnick, de kruel [28/10/2006 13:31:36]
                        Re : remet le son, de PHILIPPE [28/10/2006 16:39:42]
                            Re : remet le son encore, de PHILIPPE [28/10/2006 16:54:29]
                        Re : guitar hero, de PHILIPPE [28/10/2006 17:06:53]

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