Forum sur les motos anglaises classiques. Pas de Petites Annonces SVP


Le Message
Auteur : Antoni (
Sujet : Re : Boyer Brandsen
Date : 13/09/2005 13:47:00

Thank you, the difference between my boyer ignition and a lot of schematics that i found only is in the colour of one cable. All schematics have a red cable from the transistor box, but my ignition have one blue. I think that is not direct correspondence blue-red, and before burning the ignition due to incorrect connection i find more information.
My bike is a Dnepr MT-11 (russian bike very similar to a BMW, twin boxer 650 CC)
61 Visualisations

La discussion

    Boyer Brandsen, de Toni [11/09/2005 22:22:37]
        Re : Boyer Brandsen, de Albert [11/09/2005 22:53:31]
        Re : Boyer Brandsen, de philippe [11/09/2005 23:04:19]
            Re : Boyer Brandsen, de Antoni [13/09/2005 13:47:00] < 

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